Honors Audit Processing

Honors Audit Processing


Please note:  It is no longer required to run a batch process to generate audits prior to running this.   

  1. Run script regr506 from banner.

      From the main screen, enter regr506 in the GO TO… field.


Use Next-Block to move the cursor to the Submission portion of the screen.  Click Save.  A sequence number will be displayed in the lower corner of the screen when you SAVE.


This process can take approximately several minutes.   An email is sent to Deborah Prohn and Pamela Dart indicating completion and includes the log file:


The log file should look like this:


It should contain no error messages.  At this point loading of the data is complete.

This process loads data from Degreeworks tables into a temporary table for the purposes of reporting.   This uses the following 2 scribe blocks: 



**** It is important to understand that changes to these scribe blocks within Degreeworks can cause the report to be incorrect.  Please double check the data prior to sending the report to anyone.

  1.  Run Business Objects report regr563.