In 25Live – Adjust the Exams search to point to the correct cabinet.

Login to 25Live (!#home_my25live%5B0%5D) using cc_interface user and 25Live password.

It will take you here:!/home/search/event/list)


Select Reports by clicking on the hamburger button on the top right corner of the screen.

Create a 25Live Event Report by selecting Reservations by Date – Excel


Select the Start Date of Exam week, and the End date of exam week.

Event Search: Exams (final_exams???)

Location Search: (This search has been shared with Lisa Fischer) All Rooms Available for Interface??

Run Report.  The following screen shows:

Select: Click here to refresh.

Save File or Open with Excel.

Not that when you open it in excel, you will need to turn editing on.

The first tab of the report can be deleted. 

Additionally. this report has many fields you will likely want to delete.