Overview: Before you begin

  • Ensure that you are on the Canisius Campus.
  • For best results, iOS 10.9 is suggested.
  • Your Macintosh must have Self Service installed. Self Service can be found in the Applications folder. If Self Service is not available, please contact the ITS Help Desk (x8340 or helpdesk@canisius.edu)

Why am I receiving this error?

Commonly when Macintosh users change their Canisius password, they will receive a message to enter their "login" keychain like the one below:


The origin of this error derives from the fact that your Macintosh remembers your old Active Directory credentials (a.k.a. - your Canisius username and password) in a place called the Keychain. As a result, the process to sync your Macintosh with your most current Canisius username and password, involves removing the Keychain itself. The steps to resolve this issue are indicated below.


Step 1: Open Self Service

Self Service can be located in the Applications folder (Finder > Applications > Self Service.app)


Step 2: Select "Fix My Keychain" from the Homepage of Self Service

Review the details of the program and select "Fix"


Step 3: Restart your Macintosh

Once the Keychain Fix has finished running, you will be prompted to restart your Macintosh. Please save any work you may have open. Once ready, restart your Macintosh (Apple button > Restart).


Step 4: Enter your Canisius Credentials upon restart

After restart, you will have to re-enter your Canisius password in a few notable fields. These fields are listed below:

  • Configuring CanisiusWireless
  • Configuring your Mail or Outlook
    • Open the Mail or Outlook apps and enter your Canisius password
  • Test print to your department printer (optional) and Papercut queues

Other items that might require you to enter your credentials include:

  • Apple ID
  • Home wireless settings

Step 5: Your keychain issues have been resolved