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(v. 2) March 3, 2016



Table of Contents



LDAP Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Maintaining the Need to Know Section on the commencement page  . . . . . 9


Apply for Graduation Web App   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Administrative functions of Graduation Web App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


Manually adding/maintaining Graduation Applications   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19


Terms available for graduation applications (Banner screen WERG004) . . 21


Scholarships and Fellowships Web App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


Graduation CheckOut  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24


Completion of CheckOut Process by the Office of Student Records  . . . . .  26


Manually allowing students to see the portal page and apply . . . . . . . . . . .  32


Tracking Undergraduate and Graduate Students Eligible for Graduation. .   33


Ldap Groups


p_greligible:                Students registered this academic year with a classification of 



p_gr_greligible:           Students  registered this academic year with a classification of 

                                    G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 (passing in their current curriculum level and this term as parameters


p_gr_holds:                 Students (UG and GR) with a graduation hold that is not an A4 hold code


p_gr_faholds:              Students (UG and GR) with an A4 hold


p_uggr_apply:             Students (UG) who can apply to graduate.  (They are in the p_greligible

group or the p_grelig_ovr group but do not exist in the wreg161 table (application table)

for a term in the wreg162 table)


p_grgr_apply:              Students (GR) who can apply to graduate.  (They are in the p_greligible

group but do not exist in the wreg161 table (application table)

for a term in the wreg162 table)


p_uggr_applied:          Students (UG) who have applied to graduate.  (They are in the p_greligible

group or the p_grelig_ovr group and exist in the wreg161 table (application table)

for a term in the wreg162 table with chk_ind = ‘Y’)


p_grgr_applied:           Students (GR) who have applied to graduate.  (They are in the p_greligible

group and exist in the wreg161 table (application table)

for a term in the wreg162 table with chk_ind = ‘Y’)


p_uggr_checkout        UG Students who have applied and are now eligible for checking out for a term

identified in wreg162 with chk_ind = ‘Y’ 


p_grgr_checkout         GR Students who have applied and are now eligible for checking out for a term

identified in wreg162 with chk_ind = ‘Y’ and have not applied for a CERT program.


p_uggr_checkedout     p_greligible + p_grelib_ovr  UG students that do not have any graduation holds that have

                                    checked out (entry in table wreg164)  for a term whose end date plus 14 days is greater

                                    than or equal to today.


p_grgr_checkedout     p_greligible GR students that do not have any graduation holds that have

                                    checked out (entry in table wreg164)  for a term whose end date plus 14 days is greater

                                    than or equal to today.


P_reg_admin              Deborah & Connie P.


p_gen_ceremony         Those attending the general ceremony

p_as_ceremony           (AS Ceremony)

p_bu_ceremony           (BU and ED Ceremony)



Accessed from the Student Home page’s Need to Know section by the p_greligible or p_gr_greligible ldap groups. (that  includes all students registered this academic year and have a classification of  '2J', '1U', '2U', 'G1','G2','G3','G4' or 'G5')


The following message is displayed for undergrads



The above link will connect the student to the Commencement Page: (       

Portal Commencement Page Content:



Message:         Apply to Graduate

Ldap Group:   p_uggr_apply

Population:      All UG students who will be graduating this year (p_greligible + p_grelig_ovr who have not                                                 previously applied)


Message:         Apply to Graduate

Ldap Group:   p_grgr_apply

Population:      All GR students who will be graduating this year (p_gr_greligible ) who have not                                                  previously applied)



Message:         Thank you for your application

Ldap Group:   p_uggr_applied

Population:      UG students who have applied (and therefore exist in the wreg161 table and on the wreg007

                        screen for the terms identified on wreg004 screen as a term available for checkout = Y.

(not necessarily p_greligible)


Message:         Thank you for your application

Ldap Group:   p_grgr_applied

Population:      GR students who have applied (and therefore exist in the wreg161 table and on the wreg007

screen for the terms identified on wreg004 screen as a term available for checkout = Y.

(not necessarily p_gr_greligible)



Message:         Scholarship/Fellowship

Ldap Group:  p_seniors

Population:      All students who will be graduating this year

Start Date:       Always available

End Date:



Message:         Check Out For Graduation

Ldap Group:   p_uggr_checkout

Population:      undergrad students who have applied (and therefore exist in the wreg161 table and on the

                        wreg007 screen for the terms identified on wreg004 screen as a term available for checkout = Y.

(not necessarily p_greligible)



Message:         Check Out For Graduation

Ldap Group:   p_grgr_checkout

Population:      Grad students who have applied for non Cert programs (and therefore exist in the wreg161 table

                        and on the wreg007 screen for the terms identified on wreg004 screen as a term available for

                        checkout = Y.

(not necessarily p_greligible)




Message:         Account Holds

Ldap Group:   p_gr_holds

Population:      students who have active holds on their account with the grad_hold_ind = Y and

are not A4 holds (not necessarily p_greligible or p_gr_greligible).



Message:         Ceremony Instructions

Ldap Group:   p_uggr_checkedout or  (p_bu_ceremony, p_as_ceremony)

Population:      undergraduate students who have completed check out in this term (exists in wreg164) (not

 necessarily p_gr_eligible)


Message:         Ceremony Instructions

Ldap Group:  p_grgr_checkedout

Population:      Graduate students who have completed check out in this term (exists in wreg164) (not

 necessarily p_gr_eligible)





Maintaining the Need to Know Section on the commencement page. 


Click on the Edit Web Content button in the lower left corner of the portlet.



This will open the Web Content Editor (shown below).  In this section you define each of the messages to be displayed on the screen, the location of the message on the screen, who sees the messages, the dates the message is available, and any appropriate links.


Adding and Editing the web content:



Once all changes have been made, click the Save and Continue button above.   The following message will be displayed in the green bar at the top of the screen.




Click Return to Full Page in the upper right corner to exit this process.



Some subtle things to note:


            It is not necessary to delete a message if you do not wish it to appear for anyone.  Just set the dates to past values and no one will see the message.   This is useful if your message should only appear for a short period of time each year or each term.  It will save you from having to recreate the template row each time. 


            Remember that the top portion uses ldap group and date for displaying a message.   If you enter a valid start date but set the end date for 20991231, the message will always be viewed….but only by those individuals in the specific ldap group.   If for example:  you want the Account Holds information to always remain on the screen visible for anyone who has holds, set the begin date to today and the end date for 20991231 with a p_gr_holds ldap group.    


            The system is design to use a link to a web page but if you want to do something a little more unusual such as “Click here to send an email”, contact ITS.  It may be possible but will likely require some extra coding in the message section. 





Apply for Graduation Web App


Modification Log:

04/01/12      Dart, Pam            Original

01/06/2015  Dart, Pam            Revised to be used by both undergrads and graduates.



Brief Description

This web application allows the undergraduate and graduate students to apply for graduation.



Link:  access is through myCanisius portal from the commencement page.





The p_greligible and p_grelig_ovr ldap members should be authorized for this application. P_greligible includes all students registered this academic year and have a classification of  '2J', '1U', '2U', 'G2','G3','G4' or 'G5'


Each candidate may apply for graduation one time per year (year value from wreg162 table). Duplicates are not allowed.


When they logon, they see the following screen:  

If the student is an undergrad, the Undergraduate button is available to click.   If the student is a graduate student, the Graduate button is available.   Both of the screens that follow are very similar except that the graduate one requires the selection of the degree and the undergraduate application will default it.




All majors and all concentrations will be listed in the top portion.   This information is based on the sovlcur and sovlfos data.   The student’s name defaults into the diploma name value.  This is stored in WREG161 and written to the SHADIPL rows.  The system updates SHBDIPL as appropriate with this value regardless of there being data already in the name field.    We assume this is the most recent and correct data to be kept.   The application will also update the sought row for the student on SHADEGR with data pulled from the WREG004 screen as described below.    We assume the sought row exists at this point.    


The office of the student records controls which terms are displayed that a student can select (via banner screen WREG004).


 If a student selects a non-Spring term in a term beyond the term of the next ceremony (“40” term from wreg161) and they are not applying for a certification, they are prompted to answer an additional question:




When a student applies to graduate, updates are made other database tables as follows:


Wreg153 (tables supporting the wreg002 screen for graduation tracking) –

            Applied row entered for the term they are completing their degree requirement.

            Walker row entered for the next spring term if they answer Yes to the attending question above.


Wreg161 (tables supporting the wreg007 screen for application maintenance)

            Row inserted for the term in which they are completing their degree requirements.  Duplicates are not allowed within the same WREG004 Year value.


SHBDEGR (table supporting SHADEGR screen)

            The row representing the student “SO”ught record updated with the Graduation Term, Deg Code, Status, Year and Graduation Date from WREG004 screen for the term the student is completing their degree requirements.


SHBDIPL (table supporting SHADIPL screen)

            The student’s row is either updated or inserted (based on the SHBDEGR_DEGREE_SEQ_NO from SHBDEGR above) with the name entered on this web application.


Also note that the wreg002 screen has been altered so that upon “reload” of the term’s graduation data, any “walker_flag” or “applied_flag” rows with values are not deleted.   This will guarantee that if a student has applied before the Registrar’s office loads the whole term’s data, their application information will not be deleted.


When the student successfully submits their application, the following message will be displayed.




If a student attempts to submit an application more than once, they receive the following:

A duplicate is determined based on the year values entered on wreg004.  A student cannot submit more than one application within the Year value on WREG004. 


On rare occasions it is possible for a student to have applied for graduation in one term (say fall) and indicate that they are attending the spring ceremony.   If they then apply for the spring term for a different sequence number, they could have 2 applications for the same term in wreg161 (with different sequence numbers).   If this occurs, they will get a message indicating that they must contact the office of student records to have their checkout completed manually.  They can no checkout via the web application.


Administrative functions of Graduation Web App


Limited individuals have access to the administrative functionality of this application.  Those individuals will have an additional link at the top of the screen called Admin.. 


When you click on that link the following screen will appear:

In the search field, enter the last name of a student to reduce the list.  Click on the name of the person you would like to impersonate  You will be taken to the main screen as that person.  However, be patient, response is a little slow on this screen due to the number of students being displayed.


The terms that are displayed on the application screen are controlled by data entered on Banner screen WERG004.



Adding and deleting terms on this screen will control the terms display on the web application line shown below:


The values entered on this screen will control the values entered into the degree pending SHADEGR row updated by the web application. 


Manually adding/maintaining Undergrad Graduation Applications:


Banner screen WREG007 allows the Office of Student Records to Maintain Graduation Applications.

Enter the Term Code and click Go.

All students who have applied for graduation for that term will be displayed with their answers from the web app. 


To add a student to the list for a particular term:


Make sure that the term code and level are selected for the term and level you wish to add a student for.  


Enter the id number in the Student Id field.   Hit Enter. 


The student’s name will be displayed in the field following the ID number.  


Click Add this Student.   Please note the student will be added to the temporary tables but no processing will be completed for their SGADEGR, WREG002, SHADIPL, ETC. data.   That must be managed manually.






To Delete a Student from the list (only visible by Blair and Deborah):


Click the Del button on the row you wish to delete.    Note:  This changes nothing about the student Banner’s data.   It only eliminates them from this list for graduation applications for this term and level.   Only Blair and Deborah have access to see and operate the delete button on this screen.



Terms available for graduation applications (Banner screen WERG004)


Adding and deleting terms on this screen will control the terms display on the web application line shown below:


The values entered on this screen will control the values entered into the degree pending SHADEGR row updated by the web application.    Additionally, the Term Available for Checkout field feeds the process that identifies the terms in which students have applied that allow them to be put into the p_uggr_checkout group.  This group controls who can get to the checkout application.



Scholarships and Fellowships Web App


Modification Log:

08/01/12   Dart, Pam    Original



Brief Description

This web application allows the undergraduate students to notify the Office of Student Records of received scholarships, fellowships or assistantships for graduate study work for recognition in the commencement program. 



Link:  access is through myCanisius portal from the commencement page viewable by p_seniors and is available based on the dates entered in the Need To Know template for this application.





The p_seniors ldap members are authorized for this application.


When they logon, they see the following screen:  


To add an award, click Add.  A blank line will be displayed for the user to enter as shown below:


The name of the awarding institution and the type of award are required.   Click Save to save the data to the database.   A message will be displayed if the data was successfully saved and the entry is added to the students list of awards.




The student can then edit the awards listed, add additional awards or delete awards.



Graduation CheckOut:


Modification Log:

09/04/12   Calianno, Russ    Original

01/06/14    Dart, Pamela       Revised process for multiple ceremonies.

02/02/15    Dart, Pamela       Added graduate students to processing.

03/04/16    Dart, Pamela       Removed alternative tickets, added additional tickets for Undergrads



Brief Description

This web application allows the undergraduate and graduate students to checkout for graduation once they have applied and have no holds on their account.  The Banner screen for the registrar’s office allows everyone in the registrar’s office to dispense graduation tickets and print the form for the bookstore so that students can get their cap and gown. (For graduate students, no tickets are currently dispensed for their ceremony.  Because the students do not have to come to the registrar’s office to collect tickets, their cap and gown form is available to print directly from the web application)


Link:  access is through myCanisius portal from the commencement page viewable to p_uggr_checkout and p_grgr_checkout





The p_uggr_checkout and p_grgr_checkout LDAP members are authorized for this application.


Each candidate may check out for graduation one time per spring graduation ceremony. Duplicates are not allowed.


When the logon, if they have no graduation holds and have not already checked out for this spring term, they see the following screen:   (If they do have graduation holds, they are not allowed to continue.  They are given a message indicating that the holds need to be cleared before they can continue.)


All majors and all concentrations will be listed in the top portion.   This information is based on the sovlcur and sovlfos data.   The student’s name defaults into the diploma name value.


When a student checks out to graduate, a record is written to wreg164.   To accommodate multiple ceremonies, the students are all asked if they are attending the general ceremony.   However, depending upon their degree, they will either be asked if they are attending the ceremony for the School of Arts and Sciences or The School of Education and School of Business Ceremony.   Below is a screen sample for a student in the School of Business.


The wreg164 table tracks each value entered.    Updates to  SHBDIPL and SHBCATT with UGYES/UGNO as well as termcode (Spring) are based on their answer to the school specific ceremony.  If they are not attending, the UGNO value is entered in SHBDIPL and SHBCATT.  If they are attending SHBDIPL and SHBCATT will have a UGYES in the appropriate fields. 


The graduate version of the above screen lists only the graduate ceremony.




When the undergraduate student successfully submits their information, the following message will be displayed.



When a graduate student successfully submits their information, the following message will be displayed:


Graduate students should print their Cap and Gown Authorization form from the button available above.





If a student attempts to submit an application more than once, they receive the following:




If a student has more than one in the table, a message appears telling the student to go to the office of student records to checkout manually. 


The Office of Student Records has access to the Banner screen WREG005.  This screen is show below.



This screen is designed to allow tracking of students who have checked out for graduation (via the web app). 




The term code will default to the current term.   You may change that by double clicking in the term code field and selecting and alternate term.   By default, all undergraduate data is displayed.  All students who have completed the checkout process for that term and level will be displayed here with their answers from the web app checkout process. 


The students, during the checkout process on the web, indicated if they intend to attend the general ceremony or not and indicated the number of tickets and alternate site tickets they wish to get.  Students also indicate if they are attending their school’s ceremony and the number of tickets for that event.   You can revise their attending indicator but not their requested ticket number.  You may enter any number of appropriate tickets for any student, for any ceremony, regardless of their request.  Once you save that information, the date and your id will be stored on the record showing you dispensed the tickets.   You can click on the print button on the right side to generate the form the student needs to take to the bookstore for their cap and gown.  The system will determine the hood color.  (BA – White, BS – Yellow, etc).   When you click on the print button, the following screen will be displayed:



Click Run Report.

An internet explorer window will open with the Cap and Gown Authorization form.  Please print this for the student using Windows File/Print.




To add a student to the list for a particular term:


Make sure that the term code and level are selected for the term and level you wish to add a student for.  


Enter the id number in the Student Id field.   Hit Enter. 


The student’s name will be displayed in the field following the ID number.  


Click Add this Student.   Please note the student will be added to the temporary tables but no processing will be completed for their SGASTDN, SHADIPL, ETC. data.   That must be managed manually.      





To Delete a Student from the list:


Click the Del button on the row you wish to delete.    Note:  This changes nothing about the student Banner’s data.   It only eliminates them from this list for the checked out graduation term and level.   Only Blair and Deborah have access to see and operate the delete button on this screen.






Searching for a student


You can order the data by ID number or Last Name by clicking on the button directly above the field.  This may help you locate a specific student’s record.  You may also search for a student using the search fields.



Click either the ID field or the Name field and enter the appropriate data in the blank field.  If you have clicked ID, enter the ID number in the field.  If you have clicked Name then enter the lsat name in the field.  Click the Go button to search for them.  You may use the Banner wild card character (%) to find similar values.  For example:  searching for DA% will find everyone with the last name beginning with DAsomething



Manually authorizing students to access the graduation portal page and apply:


Call the help desk.  Identify the student and tell them to:


“Add the p_grelig_ovr reporting group resource for the student and then reprovision them”.


The help desk can do this and the programming staff can do this. 


What will this do:

1)      The graduation information section of the Student’s Need to Know section will be displayed allow the student to see the link to the Commencement Community Page.


Once on the Commencement Community Page they will be allowed access to


1)      All unsecured announcements available to allUsers.

2)      Apply to Graduate application which is available all the times.  (Access to this is limited to people in the p_uggr_apply ldap group.  The p_uggr_apply ldap groups includes anyone in p_greligible and p_grelig_ovr who have not already applied for the available graduation terms)

3)      Access to the Scholarships, Fellowships and Assistantships web application during the dates that is available for students.   This link is specifically available to students with either the p_greligible or p_grelig_ovr ldap groups)

4)      The Check Out for Graduation process when it is available (controlled by p_uggr_checkout ldap group which includes anyone who has applied for the available terms)

5)      The holds and exit interview announcements if they have those indicators

6)      The announcement for the undergraduate speaker when it is displayed based on dates.

7)      The detailed commencement directions once they have checked out (that process will make them part of the p_uggr_checkedout ldap group)


If the student does not have access to the portal anymore because their account has expired (ie: they haven’t been registered in a year) then you can ask the help desk to add the p_student reporting group resource for that student as well.   This will give them student access. 



Tracking Undergraduate and Graduate Students Eligible for Graduation:


Banner screen wreg002 (for undergraduates) and WREG022 (for graduates) allows each school and the Office of Student Records to manage their list of students who are eligible for graduation.   WREG002 is only available to staff in the Office of Student Records.


The term code will default to the current term.   You may change that clicking on the down arrow button next to the term code field and selecting and alternate term.   By default, all undergraduate data is displayed on WREG002 and the graduate data is displayed on WREG022.  All students who have applied for graduation for that term and level will be displayed here with their answers from the web app (graduationapp). 


To add a student to the list for a particular term:


Make sure that the term code and level are selected for the term and level you wish to add a student for.  


Enter the id number in the Student Id field.   Hit Enter. 


The student’s name will be displayed in the field following the ID number.  


Click Add this Student.   A screen will pop-up to select the appropriate degree program.  Select the appropriate value.





Offices can click on the radio button at the top of the page to narrow down the list of Business students, Education Students, Arts & Sciences Students and Certificate only students.   (On the wreg002 screen, there are only two buttons, one for undergrad and one for graduate students)


Any field with a button at the top of the column can be sorted by that value by clicking on the button.


Columns (Highlighted indicates Editable by offices, non-highlighted values can not be changed):

Applied:   The box is checked if the student has applied via the web application process for the term displayed.

Internal:    The box is checked if the registrar’s office has manually added the student’s application for

                        graduation for that term.

Cleared:    If a student has been cleared for graduation by the school, please check this box.  (Can be used with

                        the batch audit process to identify groups of students for batch audit processing.)

Diploma:  The office of student records uses this value to track diplomas

Problem:  This box is checked if there is a problem that will prevent the student from graduating.  The problem

                        should described in the blank field next to this block.  (Can be used with the batch audit process

                        to identify groups of students for batch audit processing.)

Walk:     This value is set based on the value in the SHRDGMR table.  (shrdgmr_grst_code)  It can not be

                        modified on this screen.  The Office of Student Records can update the value via the SHADEGR


Attend:    The value entered by the student to the question “Are you requesting to attend the ceremony” is asked

                        for all terms other than spring terms.   For spring, the value will be Unchecked for all students.

Watch:   The value can be checked if you are watching individuals for some specific reason.  (Can be used with

                        the batch audit process to identify groups of students for batch audit processing.)


The delete button next each line item in the list exists only on screen WREG002 and only Blair and Deborah can delete students from the list.


Clicking on the Names button will open a screen shown below:


The value that appears in the Name field is the value the student entered on the graduationapp as the name they wish to appear on their diploma.   Any changes to that value must go through the Office of Student Records.  However, changes to the Phonetic name can be made on the above screen. 

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