11/6/23 No longer putting GRAT on graduate student records.
1/21/25 Changed to email messages - eliminated portal messages. Adhocs created REG_ADM_HOLD, REG_ADM_HOLD_WARN
This application allows admissions and the individual schools to track prerequisite requirements for students.
On September 24th, February 3rd and the Monday after 6/28 this job will send an email reminder to Lisa Seely and Kevin Smith reminding them that the hold process will take place in one week. It reminds them to check Business Objects report REGR539 for a list of students who will be affected. This report is available in the Students, Admissions and in the Deans Assoc folders. This report lists students who have unsatisified pre-reqs based on the criteria in the table below. It also sends out portal message 68. an email (REG_ADM_HOLD_WARN) The message is sent to students who are going to get a hold on their account in one week due to missing admission prerequisites. The text of that message is:
On October 1, Februray 10th and the Monday after the 4th of July, this job will place holds on students accounts, preventing registration if they have unsatisfied pre-reqs that are mandatory (See table below for Holds/Pre-Reqs). Portal message 65 is sent An email (REG_ADM_HOLD) is sent to students informing them of the hold on their accounts. The text of this message is:
Added 11/30/17 Per Julie Z’s request: For graduates only, the process looks for the term code of entry < the current term. The net effect of this is to allow graduate students one full term to meet the pre-req requirements before the hold is placed on their account. So if they start in the Fall, if the pre-req is not satisfied by Spring, then the hold will go on their account on the specific date of execution (March 15) preventing registration effective the Summer term. For undergraduates, the process looks for the term code of entry <= the current term. LEVEL ADMRCode School Major Hold CodeEntryGR GRAT COM GC < current termGR GRAT BU GB < current termGR GRAT AS GA < current termGR GRAT ED GE < current termGR GRAT PS PS < current termcurrent term.
LEVEL ADMRCode School Major Hold CodeEntry
GR ZDEG COM GC < current term
UG HSTF T1 <= current termPortal messages surrounding this process:
In table wsys078, message_id = 65 and 68. Based on view wreg556.
2 portal and email Email messages are sent. One is sent a week before the hold is placed on the student account as a warning and one
Below is the link to the list of pre-requisites required upon admission per major. (Please note that the spreadsheet is very wide so downloading it would be your best option to view every pre-requisite for each major.)