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Advisors: email students to schedule meetings to discuss progress reports and clarify to the role of these reports.

titleStudent Reminder

"Progress reports will be released on October 8, 2020. Please read them as they provide you with information so that we can assess your progress and identify possible course of action if needed."


  • Discuss progress reports with student. Ask student about questions, clarification, any new info that might had surfaced after progress reports where sent.
  • This is a great time to touch base with advisees regardless of their report content.
  • If progress report is not available or it is unclear, suggest student to contact the faculty to get a better sense of their academic standing.
  • Use the meeting to clarify questions and discuss services available to students at the Griff Center and refer students to appropriate offices/services if needed.
  • When possible, use meeting to discuss questions regarding major requirements, other majors, and ideas for registration. 
  • Discuss what students should plan to have at their registration advisement meeting such as a class plan and an updated Griff Audit.
  • Enter comments in iAdvise. When necessary, iAdvise allows faculty to enter private comments or file “student concerns” report when needed.


Advisors: email students to schedule a registration meeting and how to prepare for it. Reference Advisement Guide for program requirements and information about courses offered. Please note: larger departments may choose to do group advisement for general questions at this time and use this opportunity to allow students to schedule one-on-one advisement.

titleStudent Reminder

"Please review the attached major/minor checklist (if applicable) and run a GriffAudit to track progress and identify courses for next semester. If you need to withdraw classes, add a major or minor, please visit MyCanisius portal for forms and have them ready prior to meeting."

In the meeting:

  • Go over GriffAudit:
    1. Check progress in the core/honors courses, major(s)/minor(s) requirements, liberal arts credit requirements, credit-hour numbers, and other requirements as noted on the audit
    2. Remind student the GriffAudit shows progress in both core and major, as well as progress towards 120 credit hours are required for graduation   
    3. Students starting 2018 or earlier, will utilize to GriffAudit 1.0 and students starting 2019 or later will utilize GriffAudit 2.0
  • Discuss student’s registration plan in correlation to required courses and progress toward major(s), minor(s), etc.
  • Clarify questions about major requirements, adding majors, requirements for majors, extracurricular opportunities, etc.
  • Release PIN 
  • Enter comments in IAdvise regarding registration plans and meeting

Between Registration and Final Exam Week

Advisors: Students of Concern reports can be submitted at any time so make sure to log on to MyCanisius regularly to receive any relevant notifications. It is a good idea to reach out to struggling students to follow up or just to reach out to your students in general to give them a boost as we approach the end of the semester. 

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