Once a student has been identified, the system will display the following screen:
The student’s name will appear next to the {…} eclipse button.
Once selected, the student’s data will be displayed as show below:
The top portion of the screen lists all graduate level applications. Please note that there can be multiple as show above. You do need to select the appropriate admission.
As students go through the admission process, the checklist items are added based on admission criteria defined in Slate. However, it may be necessary to add some checklist items manually. . For example, if the student has a concentration in Biology, you will need to add the ZBIO checklist item to the student’s record. To do this, place your cursor on a field in the Prerequisites portion of the screen. You will see that the insert option becomes available. Click the insert button.
A blank line appears. Place your cursor in the Admr Code field. As soon as you navigate to that field, the {…} ellipses button appears. Click on that ellipses to get a list of
Click the save button at the bottom, right side of the screen to SAVE this information.
If the record is successfully saved, you will see the following green message in the upper right corner. If there is a failure, there will be a message in red indicating what the error is.
Clicking the yellow number above the message, will cause the message to be removed.
click Insert at the top of the screen and a blank line will be inserted.
Enter the Admr Code, Detail Code, Description, Sort Order, A for Active indicator, Print and Mandatory fields.
Click SAVE at bottom right corner of the screen to save your changes.
Once added to this list, from this time forward, each time the checklist item is added for a student, the detail prerequisite will be added. However, any student who already has the checklist item on their record, will not be affected.