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Effective 201640, Every night job regr509 will run via CRON at 11pm
Added 11/30/17 Per Julie Z’s request: For graduates only, the process looks for the term code of entry < the current term. The net effect of this is to allow graduate students one full term to meet the pre-req requirements before the hold is placed on their account. So if they start in the Fall, if the pre-req is not satisfied by Spring, then the hold will go on their account on the specific date of execution (March 15) preventing registration effective the Summer term. For undergraduates, the process looks for the term code of entry <= the current term.
LEVELCODESchoolMajorHold School Major Hold CodeEntry
GR GRAT COM GC < current term
GR GRAT BU GB < current term
GR GRAT AS GA < current term
GR GRAT ED GE < current term
GR GRAT PS PS < current term
GR ZDEG COM GC < current term
GR ZDEG BU GB < current term
GR ZDEG AS GA < current term
GR ZDEG ED GE < current term
GR ZDEG PS PS < current term
GR LIC1 COM GC < current term
GR LIC1 BU GB < current term
GR LIC1 AS GA < current term
GR LIC1 ED GE < current term
GR LIC1 PS PS < current term
GR ZDEG2 COM GC < current term
GR ZDEG2 BU GB < current term
GR ZDEG2 AS GA < current term
GR ZDEG2 ED GE < current term
GR ZDEG2 PS PS < current term
UG TSCWT3 < T3 <= current term
UG CTL%T3 < T3 <= current term
UG TRFT4 < T4 <= current term
UG HO12T2 < T2 <= current term
UG HSTFT1 < T1 <= current term
Portal messages surrounding this process:
2 portal and email messages are sent. One is sent a week before the hold is place placed on the student account as a warning and one