If you still wish to forward your Canisius College e-mail here is the procedure:
- You must be log into the Outlook Web Applications to redirect your mail. To do this make sure that you're connected to the internet and open your browser. Enter the following into the address text box: exchange.canisius.edu.
- Enter your Canisius College username and password.
- In the upper right corner click on Options and select Create an Inbox RuleSee All Rules.
- On the Inbox Rules tab, select From the navigation column on the left, select Organize E-Mail.
- Click on New.
- Under When the message arrives select Redirect the message Apply to all messages.
- Under Do the following select Redirect the message to.
- In the To field, enter the e-mail address you want the mail forwarded to.
- Click OK
- Click Save to save your rule and return to the Inbox Rules tab.