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Effective Date:

May 8, 2017, June 1, 2021

Policy Number:

II – 2.2.1


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Student Affairs


All members of the Canisius College University community.




The purpose of this policy is to adopt and implement a program to provide a living and learning environment that is free from illegal use of drugs and marijuana and the abuse of alcohol and to educate the college University community about the health risks and legal penalties associated with their use

In accordance with the Canisius College University commitment to providing a healthy and productive educational environment and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, it is the policy of Canisius College University to annually inform the campus community about the college’s University’s policies on drugs, alcohol and marijuana and about the health risks and legal penalties associated with their use.

The abuse of alcohol and the illegal use of drugs and marijuana by members of the Canisius community, on college University property or by participants in college University activities, are incompatible with the goals of an academic institution.  In order to ensure that alcohol and marijuana and illegal drugs do not interfere with the goals of the collegeUniversity, substance abuse programs have been developed which apply to the college University as both an educational institution and a workplace.  The programs are designed to:

  • Establish and enforce clear policies for employees and students that promote an educational environment free from the illegal use of drugs, use of marijuana and the abuse of
  • Educate all members of the campus community about the health risks associated with the illegal use of drugs and marijuana and the abuse of alcohol.
  • Create a campus environment that promotes and reinforces healthy, responsible living and respect for community and campus standards and regulations.
  • Provide a reasonable level of care for individuals experiencing chemical use and abuse problems through counseling, treatment and referral.


Canisius College University prohibits the following conduct on all of its property, in all of its vehicles and as part of any of its activities:


Violations of these policies will result in immediate sanctions consistent with the college’s University’s employee and student disciplinary procedures, college University policies and regulations, and local, state and federal law. This may include but is not limited to counseling, mandatory participation in an appropriate rehabilitation program, fines, participation in community service, unpaid suspension from employment, loss of certain campus privileges, termination of employment, and/or referral for prosecution.  Student disciplinary action may include the applicable disciplinary sanctions described above and/or suspension or expulsion from the residence halls or the collegeUniversity.  The Canisius College University Student Handbook, available in the Griff Center, Old Main 013, and on MyCanisius provides a complete listing of rules of the Community Standards and of the student disciplinary procedures.

The college’s University’s Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program is reviewed annually by the Office of Student Life to determine effectiveness and to implement changes (if needed) to ensure that the College’s University’s disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.  The college’s University’s review includes a determination as to: (a) the number of drug, alcohol and marijuana-related violations and fatalities occurring on the Canisius college University campuses or as part of collegeUniversity-sanctioned activities that are reported to campus officials; and, (b) the number and types of sanctions the college University imposed on students and employees as a result of such violations or fatalities.


Controlled Substance or Illegal Drug— a drug, substance, or immediate precursor as identified in Articles 220 and 221 of NY Penal Law; or a drug or other substance, or immediate precursor, included in schedule I, II, III, IV, or V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as amended)(Although New York law permits the adult (age 21 and over) use of marijuana, it remains a controlled substance under the federal Controlled Substances Act and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.  Accordingly, the possession, use, sale, cultivation, processing, distribution or transportation of marijuana or being under the influence of marijuana in any form by Dominican College University community members on College University grounds or property or in the course of a CollegeUniversity-sponsored activity is prohibited).


Public Places—residence hall entrances and lobbies, lounges, hallways, and stairways, or common grounds of the college University to which the general public by specific or implied invitation has access and in which an individual could have no reasonable expectation of privacy.


The unlawful possession, use, manufacture, sale, abuse or distribution of controlled substances and alcohol and marijuana is punishable by sanctions imposed by the US Government and/or by the state of New York.  Where appropriate or necessary, the College University will cooperate fully with the law enforcement agencies.


Canisius is committed to educating members of the community on alcohol abuse and other drug use. Teaching and learning can be impaired by alcohol and drug use. The collegeUniversity, therefore, has an explicit concern for the alcohol and drug use of its students, faculty, and staff.


The group health insurance plans sponsored by the college University for employees and their eligible dependents provide inpatient detoxifications coverage and outpatient visits for alcohol and substance abuse counseling.  For names of approved counselors, co-pays, limits and further information, please contact Human Resources. The student sickness and accidents plans provide coverage for alcohol and substance abuse as mandated by New York State.

In addition to the campus and health plan options, several local agencies provide confidential help. They are as follows:

  • Canisius College University Employee Assistance Program (EAP): 1-800-386-7055;
  • Alcoholics Anonymous: 853-0388;
  • Al-Anon: 856-2520 (supporting family and friends)
  • Crisis Services Addiction hotline: 831-7007;
  • Kids Escaping Drugs: 827-9462;
  • Substance Abuse Treatment Helpline: 1 800-662-HELP; (a referral service)
  • National Council on Alcoholism (NCA): 1 800-NCA-CALL (a referral service)
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): 1 800-729-6686; (a referral service to cocaine abuse centers)

Additional resources faculty and staff may utilize to help Canisius College University students are the Counseling Center, located in Bosch Room 105, 888-2620, and the Student Health Center, located in the lower level of Frisch, 888-2610.



Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.2.2


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Business and Finance


All members of the Canisius College University community.



The purpose of this program is to define the policy of Canisius College University concerning the environmental health and safety of all students, employees, visitors, and contractors on the college University campus and to delegate responsibilities for assuring compliance with appropriate environmental health and safety laws and regulations.


It is the policy of Canisius College University to promote a safe and healthy environment for employees, students, visitors, volunteers, and contractors, and to comply with state and federal laws and regulations relating to workplace and environmental health and safety.

It is the responsibility of each employee, student, visitor, volunteer and contractor to conduct work, research, instructional courses, and activities in a manner that will not adversely impact themselves, others, the surrounding community, college University property, or the environment.  In addition to personal conduct, it is expected that individuals will familiarize themselves with the relevant environmental health and safety policies and procedures related to their work or activities on campus, including those set forth in the college’s University’s Environmental Health and Safety Manual.


The associate vice president for human resources and compliance oversees the environmental health and safety program at Canisius CollegeUniversity.  The Safety, Health, and Environmental Committee advises the associate vice president for human resources and compliance on occupational health and safety matters in conformity with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, codes, and standards.  It is also responsible for recommending changes to the College’s University’s Environmental and Health Safety Manual. 


Detailed guidelines and procedures in specific environmental health and safety areas, as well as plans for working with specific hazardous materials, must be followed by members of the college University community and are published in the college’s University’s Environmental Health and Safety Program Manual.


Incident Reporting and Investigations

The college University has the responsibility to investigate and appropriately report environmental health and safety incidents.  Employees, students, and others affiliated with the college University have the responsibility to disclose any activity that may be, or may result in, a violation of any environmental health and safety regulation or policy to an immediate supervisor, the chair of the Safety, Health, and Environmental Committee or other appropriate college University official.

All personnel and students are encouraged to immediately notify Public Safety or Facilities Management of any situation that may result in an imminent environmental hazard to persons, property, or the environment.  The college’s University’s response to an environmental health emergency will be consistent with the procedures set forth in the college’s University’s Crisis Management Plan. 

All employees, students, and others affiliated with the college University are expected to fully cooperate, and participate as appropriate, in any investigation and remediation of any incidents.

Employees and students who report incidents in accordance with law and college University procedures, or who raise questions or concerns about the college’s University’s environmental health and safety policies and procedures will not be penalized by the collegeUniversity.


Any failure to follow this policy, or any of the environmental health and safety procedures and work rules applicable to a particular area, may result in disciplinary action and sanctions, up to and including termination of employment for faculty and staff, or separation for students.



Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.2.3


Canisius College University Service Animals Policy

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:


Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Compliance and Vice President for Student Affairs


All members of the Canisius College University community.



The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements for accessibility, behavior, and treatment of service animals on campus and to support Canisius College’s University’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


Canisius College University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, which states, “No otherwise qualified person with a disability in the United States…shall, solely on the basis of a disability, be denied access to, or the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity provided by any institution receiving federal assistance.”  Canisius intends to provide the broadest possible access to service animals in all of its public areas.

A service animal is not a pet, but can perform some of the functions and tasks that an individual with a disability cannot perform himself or herself.  Animals are considered “service animals” under ADAAA, if they meet the ADDAA’s definition (see Definitions section), regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government. Assistance Animals are not considered service animals.  Basic service animal policy guidelines for Canisius College University are set forth in the Procedures/Guidelines Section of this policy.


Griff Center for Academic Engagement – Accessibility Support—Accessibility Support collaborates with individuals, faculty, and staff to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to all Canisius College University programs and activities.

Owner—an individual with a disability who uses a service animal as an accommodation on the college’s University’s campus.

Service Animal—the American with Disabilities Act (ADAAA) defines a service animal as “any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability.”   The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability.


Below are basic policy guidelines regarding service animals on campus for Canisius CollegeUniversity:

  • A service animal may be excluded from a facility, including a classroom if that animal poses a direct threat to the health of safety of others;
  • A service animal may be excluded from a facility, including a classroom, if that animal’s behavior, such as barking, is disruptive to the other participants within the facility;
  • If a service animal is excluded from a facility, the individual with a disability will be given the option of continued classroom participation, with assistance, within the facility;
  • The service animal must be clean, in good health, with current rabies vaccination;
  • All service animal must be on a leash at all times;
  • All students and college University employees must abide by current city ordinances/laws pertaining to licensing and vaccination requirement for service animals.  It is the responsibility of the owner and/or user of the animal to know about these ordinances and/or laws;
  • All owners of service animal are responsible to clean up after and properly dispose of their animal’s feces while on campus.

Failure to adhere to the above guidelines may result in theremoval of the service animal from campus and other discipline as applicable. 

While the college University does not require members of the college University community to register a service animal with the collegeUniversity, individuals may choose to do so as follows:

  • Employees desiring to register a service animal with the college University may contact Human Resources;
  • Students residing in the college University resident halls desiring to register a service animal with the college University may contact the contact the Griff Center for Academic Engagement – Accessibility Support at 716-888-2476;
  • All other persons bringing service animals onto the campus who to desire to register a service animal with the college University may contact the Human Resources and/or Public Safety for assistance and further guidance.

In situations where it is not obvious that an animal is a service animal, college University employees may inquire whether: (1) the animal is a service animal required because of a disability and; (2) what work or task has the animal been trained to perform.   College  University employees may not, however, request any documentation for the animal, require that the animal demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability.

Complaints and Exclusion of a Service Animal

Any member of the college University may submit a complaint about a service animal, identifying one or more concerns in the areas listed above.  Persons with concerns may contact a member of Public Safety, Human Resources, or Student Life.  An investigation will be commenced by the appropriate department and a determination will be made with respect to any alleged violations of this policy or corresponding procedures.  The determination will be provided to the owner and the individual submitting the complaint.  If the investigation determines that any provision of this policy and corresponding procedures has been violated by a student, the matter will be referred to Student Life for proceedings consistent with the provisions of the Community Standards.  If the investigation determines that any provision of this policy has been violated by an employee or visitor to the campus, the matter will be referred to Human Resources for further investigation.  In addition to warnings and/or sanctions, a finding substantiating the violation of this policy may also lead to the exclusion of the animal from campus.



Effective Date:

August 26, 2019

Policy Number:

II – 2.2.4


Smoking Policy

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:


Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Compliance and Vice President for Student Affairs


All members of the Canisius College University community.


Revised policy approved by the Board of Trustees on May 6, 2019.


The purpose of this policy is to assist in the creation of a healthy and comfortable environment for all students, employees, visitors, and any other members of the college University community.


It is the policy of Canisius College University to provide a smoke and tobacco-free environment on campus.  The use of smoking and tobacco products of any sort shall be prohibited on all collegeUniversity-owned and operated campus grounds, both indoors and outdoors.  This smoking ban does not apply to public rights-of-way (sidewalks, streets) on the perimeter of the campus.  Moreover, the sale, distribution, and sampling of all tobacco products and tobacco-related merchandise is prohibited on all collegeUniversity-owned and operated property and at collegeUniversity-sponsored events.  Littering campus with remains of smoking products is similarly prohibited.


It is the responsibility of all members of the campus community to comply with this policy.  Department supervisors are responsible for workplace administration of the policy.  Complaints regarding employee and volunteer non-compliance should be directed to the violating employee or volunteer’s immediate supervisor.  Complaints regarding student non-compliance should be directed to the vice president for student affairs.  All other violators should be reported to Public Safety.

Any member of the college University community can voice objections to smoking or tobacco use on campus in violation of this policy without fear of retaliation.


CollegeUniversity-Owned and Operated Campus Grounds—include, but are not limited to, all outdoor common and educational areas; all college University buildings; collegeUniversity-owned on-campus housing; campus sidewalks; campus parking lots; recreational areas; outdoor stadiums; and collegeUniversity-owned and leased vehicles (regardless of location).


Smoking and the use of tobacco products is permitted when traveling in a private vehicle through campus or parked on campus in an unenclosed parking lot while in a vehicle that is not owned or leased by the collegeUniversity.

Any product that has been approved or otherwise certified for legal sale by the United States Food and Drug Administration for tobacco use cessation or other medical purposes and is being marketed and sold solely for that approved purpose is also permitted (e.g., nicotine replacement products such as over-the-counter or prescription nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, and nasal sprays, as well as prescription non-nicotine medications).


 Violations of this policy will result in the college University taking appropriate disciplinary action against the violator. Disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with the college’s University’s policies and procedures that apply to the violator.



Effective Date:

May 8, 2017

Policy Number:

II – 2.2.5


Not Applicable.

Issuing Authority:


Responsible Officer:

Vice President for Student Affairs


All members of the Canisius College University community.




Workplace Accidents and Safety Policy

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