After logging in, the user selects the Supervisor that they wish to send the request to.
After logging in, the user will add the Catalog Item Number and a Description to the fields provided. Multiple catalog items can be added prior to submitting the form.
The user can also select Order Now and provide the quantity and department INDEX.
After submitting the request, an email will be sent to the supervisor alerting them that there is a PENDING item request. The email includes a link to the Office Supply Approve web application.
Office Supply Approval Web Application
After the supervisor/approver logs in, they will see a list of pending requests.
Clicking on View Details will bring them to the following screen, where they can Approve, Reject the item request.
If approved, an email is generated to both the user who requested the item(s), as well as JoAnn Feary (fearyj), who will receive an email with the entire order details.