We mainly assist with software assistance if the issue is broken hardware or a blue screen with a windows machine please provide the student with the following list.information.
Mac / macsolutionsplus.com / 716-823-3085
PC / Dave Koenig / koenig.david@gmail.com / 716-440-0498
Printer assistance
- Please keep the library printers stocked with paper.
- We assist with clearing jams.
- Deleting a print job might be necessary if someone selected an incorrect paper size
- Restarting the printer will sometimes resolve issues
- If the issue can not be resolved please call 888-8340 or email the helpdesk@canisius.edu if it happens on a weekend. Make sure to state which printer is not functioning. You can also send a quick ticket to ITS https://helpdesk.canisius.edu for any issue. Make sure you add a small summary and the phone number or extension.