This page will eventually become the wiki page style guide for Canisius College.
We want campus users to generally follow these standards because:
- Simplicity ensures the greatest likelihood that pages will be accessible in all regimes (browsers, desktop, mobile, etc.)
- Continuity means it is much easier for us to troubleshoot problems for them.
Developing a best-practice stylesheet will require testing to ensure consistency and reliability of macros, markup, or content arrangement. Below are various features we should consider:Those who create content and maintain pages in the Canisius College wiki should follow a consistent set of guidelines for organization and page style. Visitors - students, faculty, staff, and outside clients - should encounter a consistent experience wherever they are in the wiki. For example, if you neglect to add menus, use headings, follow good practices for linking file attachments, and removing out of date content, your intended visitors may fail to find, or worse, find the wrong information in your wiki pages.
Happily, the tools and practices described below are simple and easy to follow.
Table of Contents
Tools Available to Users
Users should employ Employ headings for outline or nested section headings, for several reasonsthe titles of sections, to create a nested outline of topics.
Headings are pre-defined styles of text common across word processing and web development applications.- In Confluence, headings help users identify different sections (and subjects) clearly. Then, using the Table of Contents Macro, you can rapidly create a self-updating, hyperlinked table of contents on a page. This page has a good example of this.
- In most other applications, headings do the same things. For example, try them in Microsoft Word, where you can also install an automated table of contents.
- In all places, headings are used by technologies for the visually impaired, and so are essential for accessibility.
Headings should be used sequentially (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, and so on.) Start with Heading 1, and don't skip heading styles as you build your outline.
Tables as standard form of organization, especially for tutorials. Recommended. How do they look on Mobile?